Flying Cars, Do Flying Cars Exist - Characteristics of a flying car

 For more than 50 years, we’ve been waiting anxiously for the arrival of flying cars and the first flying cars to surface on  the globe were extraordinarily expensive and out of reach.

 Finally flying cars are affordable today. These cars have wings which can be opened when ready to fly and closed when it is about to be parked in the parking lot. Hence you do not need a special large parking space like those needed for normal planes with long wings. A flying car will fit very comfortably in your normal car garage. Another interesting feature of this autos is that it is capable of Vertical Lift and does not need a Run Way. This is very great because you can lift your car in the city when trapped in traffic and just fly over all the cars on your way. Isn’t that wonderful? 

Do you have problems choosing a car? How to Choose a Car, The Ultimate Car Purchase Guide.

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