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Lamborghini Breaks the Record: New Record Breaking Lamborghini Diablo

Wow! A dream comes true for Lamborghini. Since 1990 Lamborghini had wished to create a Lamborghini with an extra ordinary maximum speed of 320 km/h. With Lamborghini Diablo, they even beat their dream record with a top speed of 325 km/h.

- Top 10 Great Cars in the World 2017

Lamborghini Veneno is presently the Top Best (Greatest) Car On the Planet. It has been  the Best Super Car in the World  for the past 2years.  The Veneno gets you from 0 to 60 mph in a swift 2.8 seconds allowing you to hit a top speed of 221 mph. The Lamborghini Diablo has taking over the Veneno. I think by the end of 2018, the Diablo will be the Greatest Super Car in the World.
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